
sirene Operntheater presents the festival “Die Verbesserung der Welt” – world première of 7 new chamber operas. As part of this, the Ensemble Zeitfluss under the conductor Edo Micic will perform the premiere and three subsequent performances of “Elsa”, Margareta Ferek-Petric’s operatic debut. Three adolescent pupils bet on which of them will get a woman… Weiterlesen Elsa


Innovative symbol of contemporary music –The Zeitfluss ensemble performs for the 70th anniversary of the ÖGZM. On 29 June at 11:03 pm, Gerhard Krammer will present a programme on the Ö1 radio series “Zeit-Ton” to mark the “70 years of ÖGZM” celebratory concert. The concert, which took place on 19 November 2019 in Vienna’s “reaktor”,… Weiterlesen Radiosendung


On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ÖGZM, Zeitfluss, the ensemble in residence of the ÖGZM, interprets works by its members. Around half of the programme was selected by a jury from the submissions to a Call for Scores, which the ÖGZM launched especially for this occasion. Programme: Manuela Kerer: zersplittern… Weiterlesen Festkonzert