>> al niente<<

On Monday, 11 March 2024, at 19:30, Ensemble Zeitfluss starts an exciting season with two world premieres…

gruppenweise” by Klaus Dorfegger deals with the musical communication between groups of instruments, where each instrument is both part of a soloist group and used as an accompaniment in the sense of a concerto grosso. A symmetrical twelve-tone chord forms the framework of the piece and fades away in a central tone at the end after building up and then breaking down again.

The piece “Vektorium” by Mauro Hertig finds its origin in the short text Traumzerkratzungen by Thomas Stangl and thematises the process from an inert, non-committal indifference to an abstracted but crystal-clear deep dream – in a single, long slumber.

Klaus Lang’s “koto-in” leads the audience through various architectural parts of a Japanese temple complex, making the temple audible. In addition, the temple in the piece is also understood as poetic architecture or as poetry transformed into architecture, because the “koto-in” temple in particular is considered a paragon of the Japanese aesthetic concept of YUGEN, which describes an awareness or special feeling for the bottomless potentiality and at the same time transience of reality.

The composition “al niente” by Morgana Petrik is dedicated to the eponymous performance designation, the reduction of sound intensity to the point of silence, which is repeatedly used as a stylistic device in the piece. The central part of the piece occasionally contains more or less strongly alienated and fragmented quotations from a work that belongs to a different time and genre.

11. March 2024 • 7:30 pm
Minoritensaal, Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz

Edo Micic, conductor
Ensemble Zeitfluss


Klaus Dorfegger – gruppenweise (2024, UA)
Mauro Hertig –
Klaus Lang – 
Morgana Petrik
al niente (2024, UA)